187th AHC Association
General Membership Business Meeting
1100 Hours EST, Sunday, November 9, 2014
Charleston, South Carolina

Present from the BOD were Bob Bess, president; Jimmy Strait, vice president; Ray Root, treasurer; Bob Calverley, secretary and Al Major, director at large.  All members attending the Charleston Reunion were invited to attend and about 60 did so.

Opening – After President Bob Bess called the meeting to order, Jesse McLeod gave the invocation and members pledged allegiance to the flag. Bess said he would conduct the meeting using Roberts Rules of Order as is specified in the Bylaws.

Thank you’s – Bess thanked Don Mingie and his wife Susan for their hard work in organizing the reunion. He thanked Jimmy Strait and all who worked on the phone bank. Finally he thanked Ian Dawson for the outstanding job he has done handling the Flower Fund.

Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Ray Root presented the financial data or the Association, including the 2013 End Report, the 2014 Year to Date Report and financial information on the Steiger Fund, the Flower Fund and the Company Store.  Members attending the reunion received paper copies of this information. For security reasons, the treasurer’s report documents are not posted on the Web but any member may examine it by contacting Ray at rayroot1@gmail.com or Bob Calverley at calverle@usc.edu  The Association continues to be in good financial health.


National Army Museum Brick – Jim Henry told the membership about the 187th brick, which was approved in last year’s meeting. It will be placed prominently on the Pathway of Remembrance at the Army Museum scheduled to open in June 2015

Unit Historian/Committee – Jim Gaffney had proposed to the BOD that the Association appoint a historian to acquire, organize and preserve 187th AHC historical records, documents, images, etc. The Board recommended formation of the committee and Lindsey Johnson (daughter of Johnny Johnson) had volunteered to act as Historian. Others are needed to help. Members voted in favor of the proposal, including providing necessary funds. The committee can include associate (family) members. By the end of the reunion Lindsey had enlisted several volunteers.

Bylaws Amendment – Secretary Bob Calverley proposed a modification of the bylaws to allow members to cast votes by email and the BOD had recommended the change. (The bylaws were drafted before email was in widespread use and specify that voting be done by postal mail.) After some discussion, members approved adding the words to allow the option of sending ballots “by electronic means” to Section 5.2 of the Bylaws.

Election – Jerry Fine was nominated and agreed to run for Vice President, and Ron Scott was nominated and agreed to run for Secretary. Since no other candidates were nominated for either office, the President declared the two candidates elected by acclamation. Members unanimously approved not holding a formal election in 2014, which will save the Association $600 to $800 in postage, printing and associated costs.

2015 Reunion – Ray Root will host the 2015 reunion at Gulf Shores, Alabama, at the same hotel where the 2011 reunion was held. The hotel has agreed to the same room rate as in 2011 - $79 a night.

Future Reunions – Ronnie Hopkins told members he was weighing hosting a reunion in Tennessee in the vicinity of Knoxville and Gatlinburg. Jimmy Strait said that he would be willing to host a reunion in San Antonio, Texas. Jimmy’s research on possibilities at San Antonio was further along than the information Ronnie had on Tennessee and members expressed a preference for San Antonio. The 2016 reunion is tentatively set for San Antonio and Ronnie will continue to investigate Tennessee.


Steiger Fund Expansion – For several years, the Steiger Fund has helped members who lack the financial resources to attend reunions by paying registration fees, hotel and restaurant costs. Bob Calverley proposed that the Steiger Fund, when funds are available, additionally cover travel expenses for a member, and spouse, to attend their first reunion. This would be limited to one time only. The discussion was lively but members voted in favor of the proposal.

Company Store Discount – John Quesenberry proposed that the Company Store provide members with a 20% discount to purchase Association clothing and/or gear for the reunion. This was approved with the stipulation that the managers of the store have the flexibility to set the discount amount and timing.

Future Reunions – Bill Vanderwege asked that when two or more people volunteer to host a reunion, they must each make a presentation and the general membership will vote to decide the reunion location. Vanderwege’s proposal was approved.

Host Reimbursement – Eddie Lucero made a motion that reunion hosts must be reimbursed by the Association for all out-of-pocket expenses, they incur. The motion passed.

50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War – Joe Emerson informed members  that veterans could get information and free gear regarding the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War at http://www.vietnamwar50th.com or by contacting Trina Chisholm at 702-697-4640

Adjournment – The General Membership Meeting was adjourned at approximately 1 PM.
